Salesforce Developer Lightning

Salesforce Developer Lightning: Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools for developers. Lightning makes it easier to build responsive applications for any device.

Lightning includes these technologies:

  • Lightning components accelerate development and app performance. Develop custom components that other developers and admins can use as reusable building blocks to customize Lightning Experience and the Salesf

    Salesforce Developer Course Overview

    Introduction to oops concepts

    MVC Architecture:
    •    Model
    •    View
    •    Controller
    Apex Programming Overview:

    •    CSS Introduction
     JavaScript Introduction:
    •    Internal
    •    External
    Static Resources:
    •    Adding External CSS files to the static resources 
    •     Adding External Javascript files to the static resources 
    Apex Class Creation – Calling
    •    Defining Class
    •    Access Specifiers
    •    Method Declarations
    •    Debugging results
    •    Naming conventions & Code Commenting 
    Data Types:
    •    Primitives
    •    Collections (List, Set and Map)
    •    Subject

    Standard Controller

    •    Record setvar
    Custom Controller
    •    SOQL Query – Query data with SOQL and place them on Pages
    •    Custom Save Functionality
    •    With Sharing class Vs. without Sharing Class
    •    User mode Execution Vs. System mode Execution
    •    Save - Standard controller with extension sample

    Wrapper Classes:
    •    Display multi object data
    •    Adding check boxes to the data and perform related operations 
    View State:
    •    Inner Queries & Relational Queries
    •    Trigger Events 
    •    Trigger Overview
    •    Defining Triggers in Salesforce
    Trigger Context variables

    Ajax Components & its related components:
    •    Action Function 
    •    Action Support 
    •    Action Region 
    •    Action Pollar 
    •    Action Status 
    •    Rerender 
    •    Render 
    •    Facet 
    •    Output panel 
    •    Package Overview
    •    Defining packages
    •    Package Types
    1.    Managed
    2.    Unmanaged
    •    Managed Vs Unmanaged Packages Sites – Public website Building:

    •    Building public websites for the external Users
    Batch Apex:

    •    Batch apex Use and its Methods
    Scheduling Apex:
    •    Scheduling apex Use and its Methods
    •    Limitations
    Different sandboxes:
    •    Sandbox Vs. Production Environments
    •    Change sets
    •    Limitations

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